Nec2Go Product Features
Input fields are marked in blue
as a hint that they can be modified. Nec2Go only requires the VB6 runtime
Dll(MSVBVM60.dll). If this is not on your system, you can find it on our downloads page.
Help Information: Moving
the cursor over any field or label will produce a short help pop-up window
description. Pressing F1 will present Context Sensitive Help. However, If you
are new to Nec modeling, please read the 'Beginners Tutorial' entry in the Help
file. This will explain some of the terminology and assist with understanding
the internals of Nec processing. Please use the Help file when in doubt.
- Minimum number of screens
required during process. Main, Edit, View, 2d-plot, and 3d-plot screens plus
Tools and Help.
- Run output, SWR, Gain and
Sweep results on Main screen.
- Text input for all antenna
models using algebraic statements.
- Geometry functions SIN, COS,
and SQR. Shift and Rotate functions applied to wire definitions.
- Automatic Segment generation.
- Absolute segment numbers are
never used.
- Auto Segment Tapering(AST)
option for fast calculations.
- Simple convergence test
- Auto Gain Test feature for model
- Variable definitions in
Wires, Sources, Loads, and Transmission Line statements.
- Variable substitution in
Sweep or View mode regenerates the model.
- Unlimited segments, Sources,
and Loads to Nec.
- Transmission line modeling of
coax using the Transmission Line Equation(including loss factor).
- Transmission lines defined by
length, or phase length in degrees.
- User defined Coax entries.
- Ground types of: Free Space,
Perfect Ground, Reflection-Coefficient, Sommerfeld-Norton, and Ground Wave
- 2D and 3D plotting.
- Plot overlay of alternate
- Full View of model including
rotating, zooming and currents on wires.
- Coil calculator utility
converts Reactance to Inductance or Capacitance.
- Windows compliant with no Dos
- Context Sensitive Help for
all screens and controls.
Context Sensitive Help has been implemented. Place
the cursor over a control or output area and press F1. A Help screen is presented describing that function. In Edit,
position the cursor in the text and press F1 for Help on the current statement.