by Nova Plus Software
Download Nec2Go Software
Current Version: 2,2,2 Fixes in Edit, Network, and in geometry generation

Click here to download the free demo version of Nec2Go. (Approximately 700KB in size)

Please note, you will need the VB6 run-time files in order to install Nec2Go.
You may download them by clicking here.

If you have completed the ordering process, you may now download the software by entering the following information provided to you.

Please Note: Windows Defender has been known to delete the download executable. If this happens please contact us immediately.
Nec2Go is constantly being monitored by Windows Sysinternals. The virus total feature checks the executable for at least 72 different virus program types.

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Please read and agree to the terms set forth in the ServiceSoftware End User License Agreement (EULA) before downloading software. Use of all Nova Plus Software products is subject to the conditions set forth in that document.