by Nova Plus Software

Nec2Go: Nec2 modeling by equation!
Current Version: 2,2,2 Fixes in Edit, Network, and in geometry generation

New Feature! -- Network Designer

We created Nec2 specifically to provide users, either those experienced with the Nec2 processes, or for those who are neophytes but want to model their own antennas.

Nec2Go uses a simplified process for defining the antenna structure and then providing view of the structure, plots (2D and 3D) and other significant data that is pertinent to the design.

This simplified process uses an edit file with equations for all definitions.

Nec2Go is different. We do not require manipulating through 35 different screens (Nec2 primitives). The Fortran Nec2 kernel code was modified by us and changed from a main program to different subroutine calls. This allows for a streamlined process for analysis, and keeps everything resident on the Nec2Go main screen.

Product Information